Calculation of the foundation model.
To determine the type and size of the foundation, use of materials, you must perform these calculations:
For of define the desired depth of laying the foundation necessary:
1. Calculation of the depth of soil freezing;
2. Run geologicheskie and hydrogeological investigations (ground water level), topography;
3. Calculation weight erected buildings;
4. Pobdor toonstruktivnyh solutions (the presence or absence of the basement; separate foundations under columns, tape to the walls or solid monolithic slab under construction all; on w / w stilts, on drilling piles, prefabricated foundations and others.);
5. customized terrain, nAlice builtaroundbuildings and structures, underground and ground communications, etc..
Determine the size of the foundation:
1. Run load fee to the foundation and the foundation under it;
2. Take provisional foundation sole area and its size based on the received values, determining the pressure on the foundation soles and comparing it with the actual value for the selected dimensions of the foundation.
Calculation of strength of the foundation material:
1. Perform calculations on the foundation of his punching.
Calculation of a base if necessary:
1. Calculation of sand cushion (artificial base);
2. Calculation deep seal, etc.;
3. Check weak strength underlayment, if it is required for the evaluation of engineering-geological conditions.
Calculation of the final foundation rainfall
1. Calculation of absolute precipitate;
2. Calculation of average rainfall;
3. Calculation of the relative rainfall;
4. Calculation precipitate two adjacent bases;
5. Perform final calculation value foundation rainfall (and compare it with the absolute value of the maximum permissible draft).
Comparison of the precipitate with limit, according to DBN, SNIP. If the rainfall exceeds the limit, use device sedimentary seams, or change the type and design of the foundation.
Calculate the quantities of various kinds of deformations bases (calculation of foundation stability)
1. Calculation bases or shift rollover;
2. Calculation of the relative difference foundations precipitate, deflection, bump, twist, foundation or structure roll.