1. Pile foundations, foundations. Foundation design and their reconstruction. Piling device effective methods. Performance static soil testing for bearing capacity.
2. Drilling of the wells. Leader drilling.
3. Head cutting piles.
3. Strengthening emergency foundations existing buildings, reconstruction and restoration of foundations.
4. Production and supply: reinforced concrete piles, metal frames for poured piles, other metal frames.
5. Installation of construction equipment, crane operation, machines and mechanisms.
6. Monolithic works: swimming pools, work BEFORE the mark +0.000, work ABOVE the mark +0.000.
7. Retaining walls, strengthening and arrangement of embankments.
8. Innovative developments of efficient construction equipment, and development of research documentation.
What you need to know before starting construction
First you need “bring to life” the boundaries of the site and put the future house on the site. This can be done by a qualified geodetic engineer with a GeoCadastre landing (Engineering surveying).
Next step – execute Geological surveys (do geology) with static sounding, to detect the level of groundwater, and determination of the bearing capacity of soils.
Next step – we pass the received information to the constructor for preparation Project.
Based on the Project, geology, and possible additional engineering studies, preparing the calculation of the cost of the foundation. The necessary pile foundations must already be laid in the Project, but there are some points, under which it is possible to REPLACE the type of piles laid in the Project.
Applicable types of piles from small houses to heavy buildings:
- pile (hanging or pile rack), reinforced concrete piles prefabricated. The device of piles in the ground is carried out by driving or by indentation.
- Stuffed (LIQUID), boron or bored injection piles with submersible reinforcement cage. The device of piles is carried out by drilling the soil to the surface with subsequent reinforcement of the well. Pile making, concrete mixing, manufacturing and immersion of the reinforcement cage can be performed by a team at the facility.
- Another type of pile – EFFICIENT DRIVED reinforced concrete piles, prefabricated. Immersion by driving or indentation.
After informing the Customer about the types of piles, method of their device, and cost, it may be piling, static indentation piles, or bored piles – proceed to the next step.
Before the massive piles immersion, if necessary, will have to confirm the theoretical calculation in the Project – practical method on site. This practice is called confirmation – field soil tests piles of statistical burden. This method allows you to determine the actual bearing capacity of the soil at the construction site.
After testing, adjustments to the Project are possible. Namely: pile length adjustment (shortening or lengthening a pile), quantity adjustment, sections, pile type, location, etc..
After adjusting the Project and issuing it for work – we proceed to the mass device of piles for the foundation.
During the construction of the deep cellars in unstable soils must be used pits fence to avoid collapses and slips of soils.
Also when holding soils, perform podpornыe stenы.
In practice, there are often cases associated with uneven settlement of foundations.. If this happened, then our company can offer its services to effectively solve such a problem.
We have many years of experience in the design and implementation of strengthening and reconstruction of foundations.
More information about our services on the website
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